The Ray Harryhausen Centenary Photo Quiz
Ray Harryhausen with dinosaurs.
For a bit of fun, and to mark the centenary celebrations of legendary animator and filmmaker Ray Harryhausen (born 29th June 1920), I have put this photo gallery together with the premise that the photos within each relate to a creature in a Ray Harryhausen movie. Your job is to try to guess the movie each photo links to. Some are easier than others... You can view a list of Ray Harryhausen movies at the IMDb Ray Harryhausen page.
There are 20 questions. For how many of my photos, can you identify the associated Ray Harryhausen movie?
To find out the Ray Harryhausen movie that each photo represents, and the story behind the specimen in the photo, click on the photo.
You will need to click back to The Ray Harryhausen Centenary Photo Quiz (Photo Gallery) to see the next photo (sans answer).
If you have never seen a Harryhausen movie in your life - (what's wrong with you?) - you can just enjoy the photos. But check the answers anyway - as they may encourage to watch a Ray Harryhausen movie or more...
If you haven't already, please do check-out my Ray Harryhausen Tribute Blog, and The Ray Harryhausen Centenary Podcast (featuring palaeontologist/palaeoartist Dr. Mark Witton).
For all things Ray Harryhausen, visit The Ray and Diana Harryhausen Foundation.